I hear the Sunspot

Overall the ongoing developments with work and seeing Taichi finally bond with Chiba, the continued aspect of deaf and non-hearing-impaired folks working together, and lastly, Kohei and his thing complicated with Ryu and the hearing implants really got me excited for the next volume.

108 Complex

Really short and simple BL manga about a high schooler who admitted his crush on his best friend and ended up having his world turned upside down when that same friend, turned out to be homophobic and bullied him emotionally. Main character eventually left school, left home, and even changed names so he could run away and find/establish a new identity.

Blue Sky Wars

A safe for work, non dubcon, non all the other things that come with trigger warnings and whatnot manga that is simply about a guy in life who is just trying to get his teacher’s license as something to do

Gift (Ichinose Yuma)

It ended up becoming really nice, I could have had less of Kei’s backstory as its kind of genre typical for how bad boy pretty boy characters background are (though it was on the extreme side), however, the boxing, Yutaka’s smile and cheering, have made me want to see more of Kei’s development.

Blue Flag

A romance story where the girl (Kuze) enlists the unpopular kid (Ichinose) to help her get with the most popular kid in the class (Mita) who is a childhood friend of Ichinose—but both of them don’t realize that Mita is actually gay and in love with Ichinose!

I Hear The Sunspot

It follows Taichi and Kouhei, two university students who ends up meeting by chance. Kouhei has a (degenerative) hearing sickness while Taichi is a poor students always looking for jobs to be able to get food in his stomach.