Kamakura Diary

The best part though is how every character has its own little space and time to shine. I think it’s quite the ability to be able to make so many different characters not feel just like background props and instead feel like they are part of this living and breathing community.

My Capricorn Friend

I guess I enjoyed it mostly because it felt like it tried to communicate that ignoring the bad things happening around us, things we could put a stop to ourselves, can have pretty dire consequences: for ourselves, for those we know and love an even for those we don’t know. A simple, obvious thing that many willfully ignore for their own convenience.

The Climber

The manga had great art as one would expect (though not at the start, where we even have yaoi level giraffe-necked-guys drawings) and I liked the man against the world/nature/mountain/himself spirit, the soloist struggle, the nerves of steel to be able to endure extreme situations but on a human level it felt short for me. It really wasn’t what I hoped it’d be by the end of the tale.